Welcome to
Collège International d'Étude
de la Statique
Does posture affect movement ? 🤸 pain ? 😩 stress ? 😟 sports performance ? 🏋
Posturology: the missing link
Listen to Mat Boulé and James Maskell discuss posturology and its role in resolving complex problems, such as:
- A revealing list of symptoms and conditions which indicate a postural component
- What it looks like to combine functional medicine and posturology in an initial workup
- and more!

How do the eyes and feet relate to postural alignment?
What sort of compensation mechanisms has the human body developped, faced with every day life?
What do they compensations bring about? Is it possible to address them?
Find the answers to these questions in the eBook!
- Your email is confidential

Official CIES Training
Our training combines a theoretical & practical approach.
2 modules over 4 days allows us to cover, in an in-depth manner, the human body’s receptors: feet, eyes and manducatory apparatus, scars, etc.
The goal of this training is to know how to conduct, in a clinical context, a complete postural assessment of these receptors, and to find the treatment to address the cause of the patient’s symptoms.
Hands-on tutorials are practiced in all courses. Courses are given by the doctor and practitioners.
In addition to the in-person component of the course, the practitioner will benefit from:
- FREE access to the private FB group of CIES trained practitioners
- FREE continuing education courses, via Zoom, continuously. Below are the courses already developed:
- How to perform the initial assessment (how to present the Posturology program, key questions to ask, how to create engagement, how to close)
- How to conduct a follow up and a check-up appointment
- Advanced Eye course (theory and practice)
- Advanced Foot course (theory and practice)
- Posturology and pain – clinical implications
- Posturology and health care – the role of posture in holistic care
- Posturology and stress management – the potential impact of posture on mood and hormones
- Posturology for the main joints: Shoulder and knee
- Posturology for the lower back and neck
- FREE scheduled phone consultations with Mat Boulé in order to have your Posturology questions answered
- FREE pedagogical tools with your logo and coordinates to promote Posturology to your existing and growing client base
- FREE letters of intent to deliver to practitioners in your field that can become obvious referral sources

Our Speakers

Orthopedic Surgeon by training
Gold medal recipient of the Marseille hospitals
General medicine, Posturology, Vertebral pathologies
Auriculotherapy, Auriculomedicine

Osteopath by training
Over 12 years experience
Functional Neurology Certified (IAFNR)

Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner

Kinesiologist by training
Over 12 years experience
Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer and Posturologist
Over 10 years experience